interprète l'air de la Princesse de Bouillon "Acerba volutta"
de l'Adrienne Lecouvreur de Cilea.
Passionnée et rugueuse.
Enjoy !
Oh, what Ьіttеr pleasures and sweet tortures, What long agonies I suffer! Passionate hate... Flames icy cold... Tremors, madness and ехсіtеment! This is the pain that waiting brings to a loving heart!
Every eco, every shadow in the night, Conspires against the one who waits. My heart doubts, Yet is consumed with fierce desire, Measuring the eternity of each minute...
Will he come? Or has he forgotten me? Is he rushing here? Or is he repentant? Here, here he comes! No, it is the sound of the river, The sound of rustling branches. O wandering star of the East, shine out! Shine upon the universe, And if he is not lying, еsсогt my love to me!
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