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If he walked into my life today - Musique & cinéma

Sujet de discussion : If he walked into my life today
  • ewen22 Membre pionnier
    • 3 août 2016 à 12:41
    Je suis conquis.

    On cite toujours les mêmes fabuleuses voix du jazz, des voix de femmes qui nous rappellent le passé le plus glorieux de cette superbe musique, et on découvre encore et toujours en butinant dans cet univers sonore des interprètes moins connues mais plus que remarquables. Nancy Wilson est de celles la et en toute humilité je viens d'en "entendre parler", si on peut dire, ce matin au hasard d'un article dans la presse étrangère.

    Did he need a stronger hand?
    Did he need a lighter touch?
    Was I sоft or was I tough?
    Did I give enough?
    Did I give too much?
    At the moment when he needed me,
    Did I ever turn away?
    Would I be there when he called,
    If he walked into my life today.
    Were his days a little dull?
    Were his nights a little wild?
    Did I overstate my рlап?
    Did I stress the man?
    And forget the child.
    And there must have been a million things.
    That my heart forgot to say.
    Would I think of one or two,
    If he walked into my life today.
    Should I blame the times I pampered him,
    Or blame the times I bossed him;
    What a shame!
    I never really found the boy,
    Before I lost him.
    Were the years a little fast?
    Was his world a little free?
    Was there too much of a crowd?
    All too lush and loud and not enough for me.
    Though I'll ask myself my whole life long,
    What went wrong along the way;
    Would I make the same mistakes
    If he walked into my life today?

    Last one for the road Enjoy!

    Et laissez vous happer par cette sепsuаlité et cette élégance hors du temps:

    I don't need your photograph to keep by my bed
    Your picture is always in my head
    I don't need you portrait, dear, to call you to mind
    For sleeping or waking, dear, I find

    The very thought of you
    And I forget to do
    The little ordinary things
    That everyone ought to do

    I'm living in a kind of daydream
    I'm happy as a queen
    And foolish though it may seem
    To me that's everything

    The mere idea of you
    The longing I hear for you
    You'll never know
    How slow the moments go
    Till I'm near to you

    I see your face in every flower
    Your eyes in stars above
    It's just the thought of you,
    The very thought of you, my love
  • lessismore Membre suprême
    • 4 août 2016 à 07:39

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