En réponse au message de yoomii : Mushrooms are heaven sent! They're properly delicious and you can cook them in so many different ways. I love them x
Mushrooms are heaven sent! They're properly delicious and you can cook them in so many different ways. I love them x
Strange heaven sent 😊
En réponse au message de juiien : Strange heaven sent 😊
When I see that, I don't see a rat of forest, but a ԁіск of forest !
Huhu this one looks like a strange репіs. I like mushrooms but I hate mushroom репіses x
Anyway, mushrooms are an important part of a vegan diet, I can't get rid of them x
En réponse au message de yoomii : Huhu this one looks like a strange репіs. I like mushrooms but I hate mushroom репіses x
Do your репіs looks like a mushroom ?
En réponse au message de vinsang : Do your репіs looks like a mushroom ?
No! I hate this kind of репіs! They're ugly x
I hate Eiffel Tower репіses as well x
En réponse au message de yoomii : No! I hate this kind of репіs! They're ugly x
and painful I think
En réponse au message de vinsang : and painful I think
I don't know, I'm a top x
En réponse au message de yoomii : Anyway, mushrooms are an important part of a vegan diet, I can't get rid of them x
You are vegan !!! I just realised it is not a burn out, it is a carence 😂
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