En réponse au message de yoomii :
You killed the game with your picture
How so?
En réponse au message de yoomii : My favourite food at the moment is RICE. I have to control myself because otherwise I eat too much rice x
My favourite food at the moment is RICE. I have to control myself because otherwise I eat too much rice x
i like Rice too. I have been privé of that when i was a Child, now i eat Rice at least two times a week.
En réponse au message de yoomii : How so?
I hoped an answer in english
Rice is both nourishing and inexpensive.Throwing rice at a wedding is an old custom x
white rice, brown rice, rice pudding etc x
En réponse au message de yoomii : Rice is both nourishing and inexpensive.Throwing rice at a wedding is an old custom xwhite rice, brown rice, rice pudding etc x
It is forbidden now. Because pigeons have mal au ventre when they eat rice.
En réponse au message de juiien : It is forbidden now. Because pigeons have mal au ventre when they eat rice.
I hate pigeons, they're the rats of the sky x
En réponse au message de yoomii : I hate pigeons, they're the rats of the sky x
I agree !
They don't bother me but they are naughty with their pooh.
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