and Brian's sister is in the kitchen doing the dishes x
En réponse au message de verredeau : Simon paris! Have you taken the French powder?... Hope i havent' scared you off!:):)
Simon paris! Have you taken the French powder?... Hope i havent' scared you off!:):)
I'm ok ))
En réponse au message de simon_paris : Yaaa definitely !Yaa i'm an open book for u !Sweet night my belgium's friend.SimoN
Yaaa definitely !
Yaa i'm an open book for u !
Sweet night my belgium's friend.
Between you and me, that'll be in the Shakespear's language from now on, ok?:)
En réponse au message de verredeau : Between you and me, that'll be in the Shakespear's language from now on, ok?:)
My English is not the best but i can try if u want ))
En réponse au message de simon_paris : My English is not the best but i can try if u want ))
I'm sure, you 'll be an English singer soon! keep it up my friend!:)
Ok, i stop trolling in English...
En réponse au message de verredeau : I'm sure, you 'll be an English singer soon! keep it up my friend!:)
OMG an English singer soon arff let me have some doubts ! haha
En réponse au message de simon_paris : OMG an English singer soon arff let me have some doubts ! haha
Come on!
I beleive more in you than you do in yourself!, obviously!;)
En réponse au message de verredeau : Come on!I beleive more in you than you do in yourself!, obviously!;)
In this case definitely !
En réponse au message de simon_paris : In this case definitely !
You are too modest!:)
Have a sweet night and a wonderfull Sunday my friend!:)
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