Superbe, emouvant. Merci Licornebleue.
Hier deux poemes me sont venus a l esprit alors je les ai ecrits. Je vous les soumet, Licornebleue, et autres lecteurs, en toute pudeur litteraire. Mes vers sont en Anglais. Et bien les voici.
I know not
As if carried by the air,
You drop in and quickly disappear.
I know not when you come,
I know not when you go.
So I lay in wait with a net,
In the hope of catching you.
And holding you to the light, I say
Pray stop for a while
That I may peck your lips
With a kiss,
A kiss ever sweet,
And breathe in your ear words of intimacy.
I saw You
I saw you in the crowd - but briefly,
Yet the sight of your face moving within the surf of heads,
Alien all of them,
That glimpse of you took my breath away.
Like a hawk, my heart flew
And searched in that moving sea,
For the prey that my instinct had recognized,
arisen from the past - far,
faraway in the history of our lives.
My heart sought and sought until its wings tired,
Saddened by the failed search for your face
That had taken my breath away
And bloomed sweet hopes of happiness.
The seconds - all too brief - the glimpse of your perfection
grasped In the gray sea of anonymity -
The flux, the routine -
Burnt the shadow of passion in my soul.
The Pain won't leave me be,
For when it steps away I call it back
And say "stay, dearest. Stay until I find you."
And when I do, which I know I shall,
And bind you to me once more
As in other lives that we shared.
And cover you with kisses and caresses, I will,
As in the far, faraway past.